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Steinar Grøtterød
Skogfaret 12C
N-1344 Haslum
Phone: +47 46625510


University Degree: Cand. Mag.

  • Autumn 1985: University of Oslo: Public law, elementary level
  • Spring 1984: University of Oslo: Economics, elementary level
  • Spring 1983: University of Oslo: Examen Philosophicum
  • Autumn 1982: Comparative Politics, intermediate subject


TLD Registry LTD (November 2013-)

Position: Chief Policy Officer (Hired Consultant)TLD Registry_english_ logo 2013 (RGB) JPEG

Assist the Registry Operator with their two Chinese TLDs 中文网 (Dot Chinese Website) and 在线 (Dot Chinese Online).

IQ GLOBAL AS (October 2019-June 2024)

Position: Director of Policy and Compliance (Hired Consultant)

iQ Global AS offers a wide range of services for Registry Operators. The products iQ Business Intelligence and iQ Abuse Management are key products for their clients.

.GLOBAL (March 2014-September 2019)

Position: Director of Registry Operation and Compliancedotglobal_logo_nostrap_whiteonblue_cmyk

.GLOBAL is a new gTLD launched in June 2014. .GLOBAL gives organizations large and small a name that broadcasts and identifies them as global entities, operating on a universal scale. .GLOBAL takes the top position in a business domain hierarchy unifying all geographic and sub-TLDs under one global umbrella for the ultimate universal coverage.

.GLOBAL was acquired by Afilias.

Sedari TLD Business Management Services (November 2012-November 2013)

Position: Project Manager (Hired consultant)


Sedari TLD Business Management Service is a UK based consulting company with focus on ICANNs new gTLD program. Clients include all categories of applicants.

Steinar Grøtterød Consult: 2008 (March) –

Position: Manager

Consulting company with focus on Internet services and Internet Governance.

CORE Internet Council of Registrars: 2008 (March) – 2012 (August)

Position: Project Manager (Hired consultant)


Consulting agreement as Project Manager with focus on CORE initiative in ICANN newTLD program. CORE managed to have two of the four first TLDs to be added in the DNS Root; онлайн (xn--80asehdb) – Cyrillic for «online» and сайт (xn--80aswg) – Cyrillic for «site»

CORE is a not-for-profit membership association of Internet domain name registrars and registries. Its purpose is to operate, on a cost-recovery basis, a shared registration system (SRS) for Internet domain names.

Active 24 ASA 2000 – 2008

Position: Director Business Unit Domain


Director Business Unit Domain has the overall responsibility for provisioning of domain names, Registry Registrar agreements and name servers. The position includes both administrative, technical and legal tasks and responsibilities.

Active 24 ASA is an ICANN accredited registrar. Active 24 ASA is in addition an accredited Registrar for the majority of European ccTLD Registries. The total number of domain names maintained during my leadership were approx. 600.000.

Telia Nettjenester Norge: 1998-2000

Position: Office Manager OperationsTelia

Responsibility for the company’s registry functions; domain name registration, IP address space allocation and internet access system.

RiksNett AS/Telia Internett Norge AS: 1996-1998

Position: Office Manager Registry

RiksNett AS was a pioneer in commercial use of internet access and services in Norway. Being one of the first employees, the position covered “all” from configuring Point Of Presence (POP) servers, UNIX servers for internet connectivity and services and educating the franchise members. RiksNett was acquired by Telia, Sweden, and became Telia Internett Norge AS.

PMD Data AS: 1995-1996

Position: Senior ConsultantPMD-Data-logo

PMD Data AS was one of the first local Internet Service Providers in Norway. The position covered all aspects of being an ISP and a local POP.

The Research Council of Norway: 1988-1995

Position: Senior Consultant


As being member of the IT team, the main area of responsibility was maintenance of all servers and computers. I was responsible for start-up of internet services and email communication within the organization.

Instituttgruppa for Samfunnsforskning (ISAF): 1986-1988

Position: IT Manager/Consultant

Part time as IT Manager (50%) and 50% position as IT consultant. These positions covered the responsibility of all internal computers and support.


GNSO Transfer Policy Review PDP (May 2021 -)

At-Large Representative in the policy development processs (PDP).

Member of NORPOL (July 2013-2015)

  • Norpol is the policy advisory board for the .no domain. Norpol has representatives from the private sector, the government, the Internet industry, consumer authorities and other relevant stakeholders.

Leder ISOC Norge (Jun 2013-Sep 2014)

  • Styremedlem i perioden september 2014-august 2015
  • Styremedlem februar 2019-

Interimsstyremedlem ISOC Norge (Nov 2012-Jun 2013)

Styremedlem i Syklistenes Landsforening i Asker og Bærum (2010-2018)

  • Syklistenes Landsforening er en landsomfattende og ideell organisasjon som arbeider for å fremme sykling i Norge.

Member of Registrar Constituency ICANN Registrars (2000-2008)

  • Voting representative for Active 24 ASA

Member of BoD (2006-2008) and 2011 (Mar) -2012 (Aug)

  • is the organization for Registrars handling .SE – the top level domain for Sweden.

Member of Dot-Enno BoD (2004-2012)

  • Dot-Enno is the organization for Registrars handling .NO – the top level domain for Norway.

Member of IIS Policy Advisory Group (2007)

  • From April 2007 to November 2007: The Internet Infrastructure Foundation, IIS, is the top level administrator for .SE.


  • English – fluent.
  • Scandinavian

MPA test (Norwegian only)

MPA utført av Active Selection AS

Kandidaten foretrekker arbeid som inneholder mange aktiviteter og fungerer i et hektisk og til tider stresset miljø. Kandidaten gir gruppen rom og tar styring når dette er nødvendig mht måloppnåelse. Kandidaten skiller mellom nødvendige og unødvendige konfliktsituasjoner. Kandidaten karakteriseres som utadvendt og sosial og vektlegger nettverksbygging. Kandidaten foretrekker variasjon i arbeidet men jobber på detaljnivå dersom dette anses som nødvendig. Kandidaten forholder seg til gitte rammer men er nytenkende og løsningsorientert innen disse rammene for å nå fastsatte mål.


Jan Sverre Larsen , COO Active 24 ASA Upload


  • Born 1957
  • Married, two grown up children